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Electric kettles
With an electric kettle from Eva Solo, you can have boiling water in next to no time. It’s both faster and cheaper than boiling the water in a saucepan on the stove. And it’s more practical into the bargain! The elegant Eva Solo kettle has the same practical and attractive design as the Eva Solo vacuum jug. So it pours easily – and is 100% drip-free.
A modern electric kettle is rather like a Swiss army knife for your home. It’s ready and able to supply hot water in next to no time whenever needed. And that’s more often than you might think – at least, once you’ve purchased one of these beautiful, safe kettles by Eva Solo.
Boiling water can be used for much more than making tea, instant coffee and cuppa-soups. If you need to thaw frozen peas, sweetcorn or other vegetables in a hurry, it’s far quicker to turn on the kettle than to put them in a saucepan and heat the water.
Just pour the frozen vegetables into a bowl and pour in boiling water from the kettle. They’ll be thawed in a few minutes! The peas or sweetcorn will then be ready to add to hot dishes or a tasty salad.
Hot water from your electric kettle is also the answer if you need to quickly bring a pan to the boil. If you pour cold water into a hot frying pan, there’s a risk of warping the pan. Then it won’t sit level on the hob, so whatever you fry in it will be heated unevenly. Using boiling water from your electric kettle ensures this won’t happen.
Boiling water from the kettle can also be the answer for when more stubborn dirt needs to be scrubbed away. This works well in pots and pans after cooking and, for example, when cleaning the bathroom. The boiling water can quickly lift even the most stubborn dirt.
When using the boiling water, though, it’s important to take care not to scald yourself. Always use a brush for cleaning so you don’t come into direct contact with the boiling water.
In the days of our great-grandparents and grandparents, boiling water was more difficult than it is today. The only way to do it was to boil it in a saucepan or kettle on the stove. It took a lot longer than boiling it in a modern electric kettle – especially on a stove that used solid fuel.
Hot running water was also a rare commodity in ordinary households. So just getting hot water for washing dishes or day-to-day laundry meant water had to be boiled on the stove. People had to wait for hot water several times a day.
Although the first electric kettles were already in the shops by the late 1980s, it was only during the 1980s that the kettle came down to a price level that everyone could afford – and today they are a fixture in virtually every home. After all, who’s got time to wait for boiling water these days?