It is essential for us to deliver products that are safe and non-harmful to our customers. This requires transparency, zero tolerance for harmful chemicals and strict quality control. All our suppliers must annually declare their compliance with the REACH- and POP regulation. POP and REACH is EU regulations that aims to protect human health and the environment from the risks associated with chemicals, while promoting alternative methods for assessing the risks of substances to reduce animal testing.
We have established procedures to test all products that come into contact with food or are used to store food; these are called food contact materials. Products are tested according to European food legislation or the strictest applicable legislation for the area. This includes testing materials such as glass, ceramics, plastic, and metal. Each product has a Declaration of Compliance (DoC) where we specify the test results and the legislation the product complies with. All new products are tested, and existing products are retested as needed.

Read our REACH- and POP-declaration here.

Read the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's smiley report here.


All electrical products are tested in accordance with Danish and European legislation, so we can guarantee that all products are safe for our customers. Among other things, we perform EMC compliance tests (tests that ensure that the product does not interfere with other electronic products and is not affected by external electrical interference) and label products with both CE and UKCA. Relevant products are also registered in the European Product Register for Energy Labelling (EPREL), a database for energy labelled products. This makes it easier for consumers to find and compare energy labelled products.


Finally, we work with product quality control through the Qarma software system. With Qarma, we can monitor quality control and inspections, and we work with our suppliers to ensure that products fulfil our requirements. If a product does not fulfil these requirements, it is recalled or we conduct a full quality test of the affected products. In addition, we work with the third-party quality control institute QIMA to ensure independent quality checks.